Letter to the Editor: Whitesville Knights of Columbus denounces emcees dance at Lip Sync Battle

January 26, 2024 | 12:07 am

Updated January 26, 2024 | 12:12 am

Letter to the Editor

To whom it may concern: 

During the recent display of events, which has troubled many of our members, the Whitesville Knights of Columbus, Msgr. Hugh O’Sullivan Council 2046, feels obligated to publicly denounce the display of so called “art” performed at the Puzzle Pieces lip-sync battle, a fundraiser in which the emcees performed a dance that, to our dismay, contained elements that were blatantly anti-Catholic and endorsed satanic themes. Such an act and such a display stand in stark contrast to the values we hold dear and compels us to voice our concerns. 

Brothers and sisters in Christ, are we asleep? Have we turned our backs to decency and truth? Are we walking by faith? Have we allowed virtue to become reduced only to be happy with peace and prosperity, and in return to have Christ and His Church sneered and mocked? 

The Owensboro Metro area has long since prided itself on being an area of Christian virtue and faith. Our area has always defended our Christian values by serving one another through charity and love, in the name of Christ, through whom all good things come. 

Brothers and sisters, we need to remember that only good things come from Christ. If we do good things that are good within themselves, but denounce and mock Christ and His Church, they are no longer good but evil. This is how Satan works! He disguises himself to be good and then gently lures us into his evil plan confusing us and leading us astray. 

Fellow Christians, we beg you to take careful look at what we are allowing to be done publicly in our Owensboro Metro area. We beg you to put a watchful eye on what we are allowing our children, families, and friends to be exposed to and closely examine what organizations and groups we are supporting with our money and our praise. 

The Knights of Columbus Council is not condemning or exhorting Puzzle Pieces or anyone within the organization. We believe the service it provides is Christian to the core. We are only asking its leaders and contributors to defend Christ and His Church and give all glory to God. 

Thank you for your consideration of this important matter. 

Sincerely in Christ, 
David Nash, Grand Knight 
Randy Howard, Recorder 
Ron O’Bryan, Inside Guard 
James Jarboe, Deputy Grand Knight 
Evan Burch, Treasurer 
Fr. Brian J. Roby, Chaplain 

January 26, 2024 | 12:07 am

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