Each school year the Kentucky District of Pupil Personnel sponsors a day known throughout the school districts as “High Attendance Day.” On Thurs. Sept. 20, in addition to attempting to have 100 percent of students in school, districts across the state will compete for a regional award for having the highest attendance. This year both the Owensboro and Daviess County Public Schools are offering activities and incentives to help parents and kids understand the importance of showing up.
Following the positive feedback from the Opening Day welcoming parties at elementary and middle schools throughout Owensboro Public Schools, the district will be reaching out to the community again as they strive for 100 percent attendance on High Attendance Day.
Local business owners and members of the community are encouraged to join one of the schools in the Owensboro Public Schools’ district to welcome students to class.
If you would like to greet and encourage OPS students Thursday morning, Sept. 20, please be present at one of the following schools/campuses at the designated times. Middle schools – 6:45 a.m. – 7:15 a.m., Elementary Schools – 7 a.m. – 7:30 a.m., High School – 7:45 a.m. – 8:15 a.m.
Daviess County Public Schools are offering activities and incentives on an individualized school basis. Incentives range from dress-up days at the elementary level to gift cards and giveaways at the high school level. Daviess County High School principal Matt Mason believes that incentives are a positive means of demonstrating to kids and parents the importance of being at school.
“Any kind of initiative to get kids to stay in school is positive and will impact attendance,” Mason said. “It’s good for teaching and learning anytime we can get kids to stay in school. I think more kids will be there on Thursday to win an incentive.”
Deer Park Elementary School is hosting a special Pajama Day for students. Each classroom with perfect attendance receives an extra 10 minutes of recess on Thursday.
Highland Elementary School has been giving away daily prizes since the start of September, with special giveaways planned every hour on Sept. 20.
Meadow Lands Elementary School will serve a free Kona Ice Cone from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. to students who arrive at school on time Sept. 20. The “fun and flavors” will reward all students and staff who “crush” attendance expectations.
Sorgho Elementary School is “Teaming Up for Great Attendance!” as students and staff are encouraged to wear favorite team gear on Thursday, Sept. 20. The Sorgho Café is hosting a special “It’s Cool to Be at School!” dance party throughout all lunch periods with a DJ in the cafe playing students’ favorite tunes from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Students who are present all day with no tardies or early check-outs will have their names entered in a drawing for an iPod Touch, thanks to the Sorgho PTO.
Southern Oaks Elementary School is hosting a special School Spirit Day on Sept. 20. Each class will receive 20 minutes of extra structured recess time and all children present will receive a Homework Pass. Students are encouraged to dress in their favorite role (player, cheerleader, fan) as part of a class kickball game.
Tamarack Elementary School is sponsoring special events each day this week. The schedule includes: Tuesday, Sept. 18 – Neon Day, Wednesday, Sept. 19 – Camo Day, Thursday, Sept. 20 – Color Challenge: Head Start, preschool & kindergarten – wear red, first and second grade – wear white, third, fourth and fifth grade – wear blue, as well as Little Caesar Pizza for lunch and Friday, Sept. 21 – Fandom Day: Wear your fanwear.
Daviess County High School The DCHS PAWS organization is sponsoring special incentives for perfect attendance. Giveaways include eight $10 cash prizes, two $10 gift cards, two DCHS hats, two raglan-sleeve shirts, two T-shirts, two bag chairs and 10 PAW decals. The DCHS Athletics Department is also giving away two all-sports passes.
Heritage Park High School students will celebrate sports team day on Thur. Sept. 20, as part of a week of celebration.