Submit a News Release

Your organization’s news on Owensboro Times

Thank you for your interest in the Owensboro Times.  We offer a wonderful opportunity for businesses and nonprofits alike to get their message out to our community.

If your business/organization, or one of your employees/volunteers, have received a promotion or an award you would like us to promote, please fill out the form below.

If you are affiliated with a business and have an announcement about a professional development achievement, awards you may have received, promotions or new hires, your news release will cost $50. This guarantees timely placement and gives you the ability to share your accomplishments on social media. Your news release will be available on our website, our app, and in our daily newsletter.

If you are a nonprofit organization, your news release can be submitted for $25. Your news release will be available on our website, our app, and in our daily newsletter.

If you have questions about submitting a release, please email us at [email protected].