Trinity holds Final Mass, graduation ceremony for seniors

July 11, 2020 | 12:10 am

Updated July 10, 2020 | 11:42 pm

Photo courtesy of Anna McDaniel

For a senior class whose final semester was anything but normal, administrators at Trinity High School were determined to give the students some final recognition. A Final Mass and commencement ceremony were held Friday night in Whitesville.

“We often take graduation ceremonies for granted,” said school principal Emily Hernandez. “The last time I was with them we were on their senior trip, which was cut short because of the virus. They are a selfless group and they are filled with gratitude for the celebration they are having.”

The event was held at the relatively new Horn Community Center located on the campus of St. Mary of the Woods Church. 

“We are grateful to have the Horn Center so that we can have a gathering like this,” Hernandez said. “We’ve been able to have Masses on the weekend because of the center’s capacity. We were grateful before, and now we’re grateful we can use it another capacity.”

Situated in assigned seats on the basketball court with social distancing in tact, the graduates participated in their final school Mass, this one delivered by Bishop William Medley. Father Brian Roby, pastor at St. Mary of the Woods in Whitesville, delivered a homily specifically crafted for the graduates.

“Graduates: Jesus is the vine, we are the branches. Remain in him and let him remain in you,” he said. “This is the most important relationship in your life, and it will both lead you and follow you wherever and whatever your future holds.”

Roby continued to emphasize to the graduates the importance of keeping Christ at the center of all they do, an underlying theme in his message.

“You are beginning a new chapter in your life,” he said. “Soon you will be heading off to college, to work, or to some new thing. You will face new challenges, new opportunities, new struggles, new happy and joy-filled moments, new friendships, and new experiences.

“Go with God always as branches on the vine. Look for Him in all your new experiences. And if you cannot see Him at first, know that He is there loving you, leading you, calling you.”

Limited family members in attendance strategically sat in the bleachers as well as the remaining space on the basketball court. In accordance with the most recent executive order from the Governor’s office, everyone was asked to wear a face covering. 

In lieu of a traditional awards ceremony, the class gathered for breakfast on Friday morning, where awards were distributed.

Hernandez concluded the event with a graduation ceremony that featured speeches from religion teacher Ian Barnstead and graduate Avery Barnette.

For a class that’s been re-defining normal since they first graced the halls of THS, it seemed only fitting that their graduation ceremony possesses its own uniqueness. 

“They’re just a great group of kids,” Hernandez said. “They’ve shown appreciation to everyone involved in making this event happen. This was definitely a special ceremony.”

July 11, 2020 | 12:10 am

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