Western Kentucky University-Owensboro resumed classes along with the other three WKU regional campuses on Monday.
The Owensboro campus, which enrolled 440 students in 2019, placed students into hybrid classroom schedules or split classes into two rooms to ensure physical distance while still allowing students to connect with their peers, according to Dr. Beth Laves, WKU’s associate vice president for the Division of Extended Learning and Outreach.
For virtual sessions or coursework, WiFi is available for students in the study nook, computer lab and parking lot of Owensboro’s campus. Each class at WKU is designed to be completed entirely virtual in the event of an outbreak.
“There are plans in place to make that transition if necessary,” said Bob Skipper, WKU spokesperson.
Faculty and student advisors will work with students that have significant COVID-19-related risk factors to create mostly if not entirely virtual schedules, according to Skipper.
“Everyone is trying to work together to make this happen,” Skipper said.
Across all campuses, WKU is enforcing strict policies on face coverings, physical distancing and gatherings of more than 10 individuals.
Students at the Owensboro campus that need or wish to get tested will be directed to the Green River District Health Department.
Statewide, the University of Kentucky and the University of Louisville are the only two colleges that are mandating the student body to get tested.