While the Daniel Pitino Shelter provides temporary housing for those in need, it is not ideally the best long term option for single parents and young families. Thanks in great part to the generosity of Earl Hayden and his family, the land across the street from the Pitino Shelter on Walnut Street has been cleared and is now the future site of the Nicky Hayden Apartments. The 12-unit apartment complex will provide “rapid rehousing” for individuals and families staying at the shelter.
The apartment complex proposal is currently in the grant funding stage with Wabuck Development Company, Inc. According to the company’s website, Wabuck “is a for-profit, mission-driven corporation that that was founded by Garry D. Watkins to partner with financial institutions for the purpose of developing affordable housing across Kentucky and surrounding states.” Wabuck, the company who established Owensboro’s Presidents Place, is responsible for community redevelopment and creating affordable housing for non-profit organizations while preventing them from incurring large amounts of debt.
Pitino Shelter Executive Director, Thad Gunderson, says Wabuck has been a great company to work with, and, “if everything goes through, we look to break ground early spring so people can start moving in in the fall.”