UPDATE: The limited supply of masks is now depleted.
Qualifying businesses with 50 or fewer employees are now able to receive “N95-type filtered masks” due to the efforts of Daviess County Fiscal Court. Businesses can receive a limited quantity of masks, and distribution arrangements will be scheduled on a first-come, first-serve basis.
These masks are not surgical N95 masks, but are FDA-grade filtered masks that are very similar in appearance and function, according to Judge-Executive Al Mattingly.
“I said, ‘You know, small businesses are having a hard time finding PPE [personal protective equipment],’” he said. “I think it’s our responsibility to try and help the people comply with [the regulations outlined by the CDC and state government].”
Mattingly was able to secure 10,000 masks after a three-week waiting period. FEMA will reimburse the county for 75 percent of the costs and the state will reimburse Fiscal Court for another 13 percent.
That means Fiscal Court can make the masks available for 12 percent of the costs. Each unit will contain five masks and cost $1.79.
“You can’t buy them for that price anywhere,” he said. “We were happy and proud we could get those masks for our community.”
Mattingly said Fiscal Court could perhaps procure another couple hundred masks if the need arises, although he doesn’t know for certain that any additional masks will be available. At the time Fiscal Court placed the order from a company out of North Carolina, they were only the second customers to place an order.
Mattingly said the masks are used to protect the virus from spreading to somebody else rather than protecting someone from contracting it.
Qualifying businesses needing masks must schedule a convenient pickup time by contacting Karla Riley at 270-685-8456, and for verification must provide a current copy of their Owensboro/Daviess County occupational business license.
The pickup location will be at the Daviess County Operations Center, located at 2620 Highway 81.
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The Owensboro Health coronavirus hotline is available 24/7 by calling 877-888-6647. Call the hotline before seeking in-person care. More information from OH can be found here.
For the latest information and data on COVID-19 in Kentucky visit kycovid19.ky.gov or dial the Kentucky state hotline at 800-722-5725.
For the latest health guidelines and resources from the CDC, visit their website here.